Monday, January 9, 2017

Bob Smith on Black Ice

     Saturday mornings a bunch of friends ride to Pt. Reyes Station for breakfast. This year, Saturday was the day before Christmas and it dawned cold, 27 degrees when I left home. When we met up, there were only four of us. The cold probably had nothing to do with the low turnout.

     Bob Smith was riding his 62 Triumph. The road was wet but I didn't see any ice and Bob didn't see any either. Which brings us to the crash 
     Bob was ahead of me when we turned left onto Platform Bridge. I saw him lose traction and then high side. 
     Bob was unconscious when I got to him. A motorist stopped and then went to call 911 (there was no cell service) and another was an off duty Paramedic. Still others had a blanket. 
Bob was transported to the hospital. Gordon and Tom, the other two riders took care of Bob's motorcycle.
     Bob's Triumph had a broken headlight and dented headlight bucket. The seat was torn and some parts ground down a little. 
     I learned that Bob broke his hip, a couple of ribs and his collar bone. He had surgery at Stanford Hospital.

Update- Bob was transferred to a rehab hospital in Sebastopol, California. I visited him there and he is doing well and in good spirits.