Friday, July 12, 2024

Russian River

     A beautiful day for a leisurely ride along the Russian River. This bridge is called the Wohler bridge, it was completed in 1922.
     July in Sonoma County is a great time of year. People flock to the river to swim, canoe and escape the heat of places farther inland.

        The Russian River has multiple personalities depending on the season. Weather in Northern California is dictated by the Pacific Ocean. Many years Northern California is dry. Little or no rain falls but sometimes weather conditions on the Pacific Ocean line up to drench the northern part of the state. This duality certainly gives the news agencies something to talk about, it's either the "killer storm" or the "killer drought" that is on its way. 
     These signs on Wohler Rd are not on the Russian River itself, but on a tributary called Mark West Creek. The following two photos show the height of flood levels during "wet" winters. 
     Imagine how much higher Mark West Creek would have to rise to be two to four feet over the guard rail of the roadway. 

     Imagine the lake that would cover the vineyard if the flood gauge was at two to four ft.

     During summer when people come to the river, it appears deceptively tranquil. Every year multiple people drown while swimming or wading in the Russian River. This year I am aware of three deaths. Two deaths were during this Fourth of July holiday.
   The Russian River dangerous at times, yet compellingly beautiful. Nature as nature is.

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